Specialist Expeditions Worldwide


Posted on: May 30th, 2024 by Amelia Dalton

In June’s long summer days, on board the Late Queen’s favourite small ship, we cruise the ‘Isles of the Sea’ crossing the Minch with ST KILDA as our goal.  We see the Garvellachs Isles & Fingal’s Cave, visit  COLONSAY, TIREE, the OUTER HEBRIDES, SKYE, the SHIANT ISLES, CANNA and delightful Tobermory on MULL.  In June the seabird colonies are at their most active, we expect to see DOLPHINS, WHALES, BASKING SHARKS,  and to hear corncrakes and marvel at orchids and abundant wildflowers.  All this plus the attentive crew and luxury of HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS. 

Exploring Scotland’s Remote Archipelagos in Style    CLICK to download the brochure.

MADAGASCAR Exotic, Fascinating & Unique

Posted on: May 30th, 2024 by Amelia Dalton

An Island of the UNEXPECTED from the bizarre and unique wildlife to the curious scenery, striking French colonial architecture, delightful welcoming people, to the delicious food.  We will see various species of LEMUR, be intrigued by wildlife especially on our NIGHT WALKS and stay in elegant boutique hotels, park lodges and a spoiling small hotel with its own PRIVATE WILDLIFE RESERVE and glorious beaches.

CLICK to download the flier

MADAGASCAR Exotic Fascinating & Unique

Scotland’s Remote Archipelagos in Style

Posted on: May 29th, 2024 by Amelia Dalton

From the mainland to distant ST KILDA we cruise the West Coast stopping off at remote and inaccessible islands.  This is a specially designed cruise of Scotland’s very top spots – IONA, TIREE, ST KILDA, OUTER HEBRIDES, SKYE, CANNA & MULL on boar the charming HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS.

CLICK the link to download the BROCHURE  Exploring Scotland’s Remote Archipelagos in Style

Scotland’s Remote Archipelagos

Posted on: May 28th, 2024 by Amelia Dalton

CRUISE SCOTLAND’S DRAMATIC COAST in luxury.  Visit ST. KILDA, COLONSAY, IONA, the OUTER HEBRIDES, SHIANT ISLES, SKYE, the SMALL ISLES & MULL in the long days of mid JUNE 2025. A specialist itinerary on board HEBRIDEAN PRINCESS, the little ship chartered by the late Queen for her family parties.

Click the link below to download the brochure.

Exploring Scotland’s Remote Archipelagos in Style

Vietnam, Cambodia & the Mighty Mekong

Posted on: May 18th, 2024 by Amelia Dalton

Escape winter 2025 chills with a varied itinerary, combining ancient history in ANKOR WAT, the colonial elegance of PHNOM PEN, bustling modernity in HO CHI MINH city & delicious contemporary dining in SIEM REAP, plus a delightful, stylish cruise on the MEKONG RIVER.


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Vietnam Cambodia & the Mighty Mekong

SULAWESI & JAVA: Curious & Exotic

Posted on: April 6th, 2021 by Amelia Dalton

With arms stretching out across the sea, SULAWESI is as fantastic and unexpected as it looks on the map, whilst JAVA revels in architecture, history and volcanoes;  a fascinating combination of exotic islands.

Drawing on the 2023 days, the new itinerary will include JAVA as well as SULAWESI.  We will visit   the interior of both isles, combining curious cultural customs with exotic wildlife and the magnificent temple of BOROBUDUR. Mountains are impenetrable, wildlife is rare and flamboyant and the cultural practices extraordinary. To take advantage of the curiosities of these huge and disparate islands, our itinerary will be active to walk and explore the variety, meet villagers and historic sites.  The brochure below relates to 2023;  2024 WILL FOLLOW, or please ask via [email protected]